Wednesday, 2 September 2015

And the award goes to ...

Newborn on her Doorstep is finished, published, and unleashed on the world! Which means that it must be that time again when I gush like an Oscar winner (in the good old days, before they started turning up the music) and thank all the incredibly generous and talented people who helped me get a book from a scratching of an idea into a real-life novel.

So, in no particular order, because they are all equally wonderful...

Krista, for spotting my first (fairly huge) plot hole
Alexia, for the most enthusiastic reaction to a first chapter ever, and all the advice on life with a newborn ... how little I knew back then!
Sophie and Anna, for all the medical advice, and Phoebe, for the social care aspects
The Harbury Writers, for reading my chapters and brainstorming
My family for keeping me sane(ish)
Lucy and Rosie, for letting me borrow your names, and Rosie especially for helping with Italian nonnas and describing what Rome smells like
And Mike, for all the tea...



Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Newborn on her Doorstep is here!

It's the first of the month, and we all know what that means in the Harlequin and Mills & Boon world.... new books! And today my very own Newborn on Her Doorstep will be joining their ranks.

This book has taken a long road to the bookshelves. In it's earliest days it was simply lodged in my imagination as a perennial 'what if' question (what would I do if I found an abandoned newborn??), but it stuck with me through my first tentative steps into novel writing, and finally through to the fantastic experience of working with my editor to make sure that the story is the best it possibly can be.

And in case you've managed to avoid these in the past, here's where you can find the book: Mills & Boon, Amazon (UK/US), iTunesGoogle PlayHarlequinGoodreads.

I love to hear from my readers, so if you want to tell me what you thought of the book then please leave me a review.

Happy 1st September to you all!
